Welcome to My World

Hi, my name is Megan and I'm rising junior at Midwood High School. I'm very passionate about creating creative projects that does express myself as a person. I love taking pictures of special things I saw on my walks.

sunsets1 This is some of the sunsets that I saw during my walk around my block. I love taking walks around my neighborhood and near the ocean side.

Things I'm Interested and Love

  • KPop Music, Photography, pet cat and turtle, hanging out with friends, sleeping all day during quarantine, and trying new interests
  • cat This is my cat named Lucky and his breed is an Scottish Fold. He is turning 3 years old this January. He is very playful cat and always want attention.

    bts BTS is my favorite band because they stand for loving yourself and speaking out for something right. Their music really speaks to people since you can really feel their emotions through their music.